Insights & Tips
I have compiled a list of articles that may interest you regarding tax and management issues in Japan.
Can lunch be a Business Expense? ” Accounting Treatment for Sole Proprietor and Company.
Have you ever wondered if your lunch at work is a business deduction? If so, this blog...
How can we deliver Deduction of Gasoline? -Sole Proprietors, Save money and on Taxes
Are you a sole proprietor who spends much money on gasoline for your business? Want to...
The method used to calculate the stock price of a small business is not the amount it bought.
Small business owners are often shareholders.However, they rarely buy or sell their...
List of cards that can be synchronized with freee, MonyeForward, and Yayoi
Starting a business. These days, you should always make a dedicated credit card.You are...
Translating “Koujo”[控除] in Japan’s Tax Table: A Misleading “Deduction”?
When I translate tax-related information into English, I often feel that it is still...
Comparison of online banks recommended for sole proprietorships.
As a sole proprietor running your business in Japan, you understand the importance of...
Will resident tax expose my side-business income to Co-workers? How do I pay separate Juminzei for business income?
When you start your second job or business while working, your Juminzei(住民税) as Resident...
Sorting out the difference between the Gensen Choshu Hyou(源泉徴収票) and the Resident Tax Notice(住民税決定通知書)
When you file a tax return, you need a Gensen Choushu Hyou[源泉徴収票], which is a...
Advantages of Borrowing in the First Business Year in Japan
Having money on hand is very important. When working for a company and your income is...

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