I have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers about my consultations and services. Please feel free to refer to them. If your question remains unanswered, please get in touch with me through the contact form page.

Q. How is tax consultation provided?
Depending on the request, I can do this in person or online. Face-to-face meetings is often held in person or at our rental office at Umeda. If you tell a nearby location in Osaka City, I can arrange a rental office nearby.
Q. Is it possible to consult in English?
Yes, it is possible. I will also send you a meeting summary after the meeting, whether in Japanese or English, so you can concentrate on your questions during the meeting.
Q. How do you usually communicate?
Our usual communication is mainly through email. Other communication tools, such as Chatwork, LINE, and WhatsApp, are also available upon request.
Q. What tax-saving measures can your tax advisors suggest?
The tax advisor proposes specific tax-saving measures. This includes checking each issue in detail and proposing effective tax reduction methods. Please see the Tax Advisory menu for more information on items.
Q. Are there any differences between freelancer and corporate taxation?
Tax consultation is provided in conjunction with finances for both freelancers and corporations. For corporations, I can offer tax-saving proposals that consider equity.
Q. What is your fee structure for tax advisory services?
The fee structure differs for individuals and corporations. For details, please refer to the Tax Advisory menu. I recommend an inquiry in exceptional cases to ensure flexibility in implementation.
Q. What kind of business advice can tax advisory service provide?
In addition to tax-related advice, I cover various topics, including career, family, business, intra-organizational issues, inheritance, and business succession. Because management involves many factors, I receive a variety of questions.
Q. How does your tax advisor keep up to date with the latest tax laws?
I keep up with annual tax changes and consult with tax accountants and other professionals. Some issues may seem obvious, but taxation sometimes has no clear answer.
Q. What are the disadvantages of selling a business?
Examples include business integration failures, problems due to cultural differences, staffing adjustments, and legal issues.
Q. What is the procedure for selling a business?
This includes clarifying the purpose and strategy of the business sale, selecting the counterparty, negotiating, drafting contracts, and conducting due diligence.
Q. How long does it take to sell a business?
The time required for the sale depends on the size of the business, the industry, and the selection of the seller. Generally, a period of three to six months is required. The sale process involves many steps, from finding a buyer to negotiating, drafting a contract, and settling the sale. Our tax accounting firm can assist in the smooth sale of your business by leveraging our expertise and experience in business sales.
Q. How do you find a buyer of my business?
I’ll find buyers for your business by gathering industry information, using matching websites, and contacting specialized M&A brokerage firms. My tax accounting firm can help you find a suitable buyer for your business by using our extensive industry knowledge and network.
Q. How is the sale price of a business transfer determined?
As an expert, I will calculate an appropriate amount for the sale price, considering the business’s current status, future potential, and market trends. I will also support strategies and negotiation techniques to maximize the sale price.
Q. What are the post-sale taxes on the sale of a business transfer?
Profits from the sale are subject to income tax, corporate tax, and other taxes. I’ll try to reduce tax burdens through proper tax strategies.
Q. Is there any follow-up after the sale of a business transfer?
I can provide ongoing support through advisory contracts and other means if you wish.
Q. What documents are required for the sale of a business transfer?
Documents required for the sale include financial statements, business plans, contracts, legal documents, and personnel and labor-related documents. These documents will be presented to a buyer.
Q. What are the conditions for being subject to a tax audit?
This includes inaccurate tax returns, suspected tax payments, or random selections. Some sales and industries are more likely to be selected than others.
Q. If I receive a tax audit notice, should I consult a tax attorney immediately?
I recommend you promptly consult a tax consultant to receive assistance and prepare for a tax audit.
Q. How long does a tax audit take?
The duration of a tax audit may be one day or it may take multiple days.
Q. Can a tax consultant be present during a tax audit?
Yes, the tax consultant will be present during the tax audit to assist with appropriate responses and negotiations with the tax office.
Q. What materials or information do you need to consult during a tax audit?
A tax audit usually checks documents related to the most recent three years of taxes. Therefore, preparing “corporate(income) tax returns, financial statements, a translation of financial statements, a business summary, consumption tax returns, and a general ledger” for those three years is advisable.
Q. Can I borrow money even if I am in the red?
It depends on how the deficit is divided into borrowing and not borrowing. Certainly, deficits are something that banks prefer to avoid when it comes to lending. However, the strategy will depend on their appearance, such as what kind of deficit they were or continue to be. Some, such as three consecutive terms of deficit, can be difficult. However, if a one-off deficit or a deficit is likely to occur, there are options, such as whether it should be passed on to the next fiscal year or contained in the current fiscal year.
We’ll talk with you and decide on this thing.