Japan’s consumption tax system is critical to doing business there, especially for foreign companies looking to expand their operations here. As of 2024, the Japanese consumption tax applies to a wide range of goods and services, with a standard rate of 10% and...
Tax Reform in 2021 in JTC Certificate Content and Reason for Revision The 2021 Tax Reform to the Consumption Tax Law tightened the document preservation requirements for export duty exemption for goods worth 200,000 yen or less. This revision’s background...
Consumption tax refunds, such as those facilitated by VAT BACK services, offer significant financial relief to businesses but also come under scrutiny by tax authorities. In this article, I’ll explore the refund system, its risks, and why following correct procedures...
The Qualified Invoice System [invoice Seido] started in October 2023. There has been a lot of fuss in various places, but to reduce the impact of the invoice system, there is a transitional measure that allows an 8% deduction on the purchase side, even though the...
Some of you may have a job as an import agent.Checking how sales tax will be charged on those transactions is necessary when dealing with foreign countries.In Japan, the sales tax is called the consumption tax, but for smooth understanding, I call it the sales tax,...