Is Registration Always Necessary for the Invoice System in Japan?

Aki Japan Tax Services | Your Income and Corporate Tax Specialists | Is Registration Always Necessary for the Invoice System in Japan?

Author Aki Kojima

Certified Public Tax Accountant with an MBA, member of the Association of Micro M&A Professionals, and licensed real estate agent. I provide tax advisory services, asset management consulting, and support for business owners, freelancers, and sole proprietors. I have extensive experience in international sales, accounting, labor relations, recruiting, and IT management. In addition to my professional work, I write articles and books on taxation and financial education. I enjoy swimming, reading, photography, and spending time in nature with my two children.

July 20, 2023

July 20, 2023

For self-employed individuals in Japan, understanding the nuances of the Invoice System can be crucial for tax planning. A common question is whether there’s ever a situation where one doesn’t need to register for the Invoice System. Let’s dive into this topic.

The Basics of the Invoice System

The Invoice System essentially limits tax deductions for payments made to businesses that aren’t registered. If you’re doing business with someone not registered under the system, you might be disadvantaged if you need the purchase tax credit.

A Practical Example

Consider this scenario: You’re a self-employed individual running an English conversation school. All your clients are general consumers. They aren’t businesses and don’t need to file consumption tax returns. In such a situation, there’s no disadvantage for you in terms of not being able to deduct consumption tax.

To Register or Not to Register?

Given the example above, you might decide not to register for the Invoice System. After all, if there’s no tangible benefit for your business model, why add an extra layer of bureaucracy?

However, it’s essential to note that every business is unique. Depending on your business plan and future growth strategies, registering might be beneficial. The key is to evaluate your specific situation and make an informed decision.


While the Invoice System is designed to streamline tax deductions and ensure transparency, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. As demonstrated by our English conversation school example, registration might not be necessary in some scenarios.

If you’re a self-employed individual in Japan and have more questions about the Invoice System or any other tax-related topics, please comment below. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of the Japanese tax system.


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