Navigating Fertility Treatments and Taxes in Japan

Aki Japan Tax Services | Your Income and Corporate Tax Specialists | Navigating Fertility Treatments and Taxes in Japan

Author Aki Kojima

Certified Public Tax Accountant with an MBA, member of the Association of Micro M&A Professionals, and licensed real estate agent. I provide tax advisory services, asset management consulting, and support for business owners, freelancers, and sole proprietors. I have extensive experience in international sales, accounting, labor relations, recruiting, and IT management. In addition to my professional work, I write articles and books on taxation and financial education. I enjoy swimming, reading, photography, and spending time in nature with my two children.

August 6, 2023

August 6, 2023

If you’re residing in Japan and have been exploring fertility treatments, there’s a financial aspect you might not be aware of that could benefit you. Let’s dive into it!

Tax Deductions for Fertility Treatments in Japan

In Japan, the government recognizes the financial burden of fertility treatments and offers some relief. If you’re undergoing procedures like artificial insemination, hormone therapy, in-vitro fertilization (IVF), or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), you can claim these expenses as deductions on your taxes. That’s right! Both men and women can benefit from this provision.

How Can This Benefit You? An Example

To give you a clearer picture, let’s consider a scenario. If your net income is around 6 million JPY and you’ve incurred expenses of 1.1 million yen on treatments ranging from egg freezing to achieving pregnancy, here’s the good news:

– You could reduce your income tax by 20% (200,000 JPY saved!).
– Additionally, you can decrease your resident tax by 10%, translating to a saving of 100,000 JPY.

You’re looking at a substantial 30% saving on your treatments!

### **What About Additional Costs?**

Many of you might be traveling back and forth to the hospital, incurring transportation costs. The even better news? These travel expenses can also be factored into your medical expense deductions. So, every yen spent on your journey to parenthood can count towards potential tax savings.

Need Assistance? We’re Here to Help!

Navigating the maze of tax laws, especially when dealing with something as personal as fertility treatments, can be daunting. That’s where we come in. Our accounting firm specializes in assisting individuals like you to make the most of the tax benefits available in Japan. Let us handle the financial intricacies so you can concentrate on your primary goal – building your family.

In Conclusion

Fertility treatments are challenging, both emotionally and financially. But with the proper knowledge and support, you can alleviate some of that burden. Don’t let taxes add another layer of stress to your journey. Reach out to us today, and together, we’ll pave a smoother path to your dream of parenthood.

Thank you for taking the time to read, and we’re here to support you every step of the way!


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